Avatar Aquariums – Floating Islands

Above Photo by AQUAPROS Remember James Cameron’s film Avatar that wowed critics with its impressive CGI visual effects? DIY aquarists are borrowing from the intriguing landscape of the film and creating floating “Avatar” islands that defy gravity! Check out this great tutorial by Aquapros who uses Featherock pumice to achieve the effect. Pumice is an…

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Kokedama with Featherock – DIY

Kokedama is a Japanese DIY phenomenon featuring a tightly packed ball of earth wrapped in moss and string. A Kokedama will allow you to display a ‘living planter’ in your home! Neat! These little plant balls add interest and whimsy to any space, particularly a study or office with low light since moss prefers a…

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Sculpting Featherock for Water Features

Featherock is the perfect medium for tackling your first pond or waterfall project. It’s lightweight (which means easy to move around!), easy to carve and manipulate, doesn’t deteriorate or fade like fake stone, and it’s a beautiful natural pumice stone! Pond Trade Magazine has a great article about stone carving, which happens to feature some…

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Art accessible to all! The carvings of Jim Heltsley.

Jim Heltsley is a fantastic artist based out of Ventura, CA who carves many types of natural stone but loves to carve with Featherock. Surrounded by many talented artists at Art City, an artists’ space in downtown Ventura, Jim’s workshop and “store front” is straight through the entrance of the lot. There, you will find…

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